c·c++/c++ 프로그래밍

cin을 이용하여 정수를 안전하게 입력받기.

바로이순간 2011. 12. 3. 13:34

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>


using namespace std;
int main() {  
    int num1;


    cout<<"\nEnter first number:\n";

    while(!cin.good()) { //this means while input is not valid, do this.
                         // if input is valid, this code will not execute
        cin.clear();     //clear the error state


        //ignore all characters left in the buffer


        //let the user know it was wrong
        cout<<"That is not a valid number. Try again.\n";


        //let them enter the number again if it was not good, and it will check again


        //if input is good, it will exit the loop and go on to the next step


    return 0;